Friday, April 15, 2011

Invoking AJAX call from Grails

Need to populate second drop down values based on the selected first drop down value.
In this example let us discuss about populating the available applications on a selected server.

* In your main .gsp page, associate an id to the first select drop down(i.e. server drop down). The code snippet displays the list of server via domain class Server.groovy.

id="serverSelect" noSelection="['':'-- Select Server --']"
name="selectedServer" value="${domainInstance?.selectedServer}"
optionKey="name" optionValue="name">

* Wrap the second select drop down (i.e. Application list) into a div tag.

<div id="appversion_select" >
<g:select from="${domainInstance?.applications}"
name="appVersion" value="${domainInstance?.selectedApplication}">

* Add the required javascript function invoke AJAX call to backed controller. Follow in line comments..

//This script listens to a change in the value of the select drop donw bearing an id as 'serverSelect'
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
$("serverSelect").observe("change", respondToServerSelect);

function respondToServerSelect(event)
//It inovkes the associated controller with selectedServer as parameter and updated the response in a
//bearing id as 'appversion_select'

new Ajax.Updater("appversion_select",


{method:'get', parameters: {

selectedServer : $F("selectedServer")

* Add a GSP matching the return view of the getAppFromServer method from the controller, default you can create getAppsFromServer.gsp with following code. This same as second dropdown code.

<g:select from="${domainInstance?.applications}"
name="appVersion" value="${domainInstance?.selectedApplication}">

* Controller code: Here is the closure required in the controller class

def getAppsFromServer = {
println ("Retrieve the application from the server")

def existingApps = new ArrayList()

// invoke the business service to get the applications.
domainInstance.appVersions = existingApps
return [domainInstance: domainInstance]

Once you cover all of them, now you should be able to populate the application list based on the selected server.

Appreciate your comments.....

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