Thursday, November 10, 2005


This is to all aspirants, who want to become a Sun Certified Enterprise Architect.
Here I would like to share whatever I knew about the exam. Basically this exam has got 3 parts.

Part I: It is a multiple choice questions - exam. It cover almost all the wings of J2EE.

Part II: It is a practical exam. You have to complete the assignment, which has been given to you by Sun as part of the exam.

Part III: More of explaination type of exam where you have to explain your architectural decision and their pros & cons, what you had followed in your assignment...

Coming Part I, it is objectives are as bleow:

Section 1: Concepts
Draw UML Diagrams
Interpret UML diagrams.
State the effect of encapsulation, inheritance, and use of interfaces on architectural characteristics.

Section 2: Common Architectures
Recognize the effect on each of the following characteristics of two tier, three tier and multi-tier architectures: scalability maintainability, reliability, availability, extensibility, performance, manageability, and security.
Recognize the effect of each of the following characteristics on J2EE technology: scalability maintainability, reliability, availability, extensibility, performance, manageability, and security.
Given an architecture described in terms of network layout, list benefits and potential weaknesses associated with it.

Section 3: Legacy Connectivity
Distinguish appropriate from inappropriate techniques for providing access to a legacy system from Java code given an outline description of that legacy system

Section 4: Enterprise JavaBeans Technology
List the required classes/interfaces that must be provided for an EJB technology.
Distinguish stateful and stateless Session beans.
Distinguish Session and Entity beans.

Recognize appropriate uses for Entity, Stateful Session, and Stateless Session beans.
State benefits and costs of Container Managed Persistence.
State the transactional behavior in a given scenario for an enterprise bean method with a specified transactional deployment descriptor.
Given a requirement specification detailing security and flexibility needs, identify architectures that would fulfill those requirements.
Identify costs and benefits of using an intermediate data-access object between an entity bean and the data resource.

Section 5: Enterprise JavaBeans Container Model
State the benefits of bean pooling in an EJB container.
State the benefits of Passivation in an EJB container.
State the benefit of monitoring of resources in an EJB container.
Explain how the EJB container does lifecycle management and has the capability to increase scalability.

Section 6: Protocols
Given a scenario description, distinguish appropriate from inappropriate protocols to implement that scenario.
Identify a protocol, given a list of some of its features, where the protocol is one of the following: HTTP, HTTPS, IIOP, JRMP.
Select from a list, common firewall features that might interfere with the normal operation of a given protocol.

Section 7: Applicability of J2EE Technology
Select from a list those application aspects that are suited to implementation using J2EE.
Select from a list those application aspects that are suited to implementation using EJB.
Identify suitable J2EE technologies for the implementation of specified application aspects.

Section 8: Design Patterns
From a list, select the most appropriate design pattern for a given scenario. Patterns will be limited to those documented in Gamma et al. and named using the names given in that book.
State the benefits of using design patterns.
State the name of a design pattern (for example, Gamma) given the UML diagram and/or a brief description of the pattern's functionality.
Select from a list benefits of a specified design pattern (for example, Gamma).
Identify the design pattern associated with a specified J2EE feature

Section 9: Messaging
Identify scenarios that are appropriate to implementation using messaging, EJB, or both.
List benefits of synchronous and asynchronous messaging.
Select scenarios from a list that are appropriate to implementation using synchronous and asynchronous messaging.

Section 10: Internationalization
State three aspects of any application that might need to be varied or customized in different deployment locales.
Match the following features of the Java 2 platform with descriptions of their functionality, purpose or typical uses: Properties, Locale, ResourceBundle, Unicode, java.text package, InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter.

Section 11: Security
Select from a list security restrictions that Java 2 environments normally impose on applets running in a browser.
Given an architectural system specification, identify appropriate locations for implementation of specified security features, and select suitable technologies for implementation of those features.

You can find complete information about SCEA at Sun's website

The above information may not be accurate as on today. Please verify on your own

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